Antiparasitic medicine Permite 5 percent Cream. It's used to treat scabies, a skin infection caused by microscopic insects that infest and irritate the skin. The insects (mites) and their eggs are killed by this medication. Your doctor will tell you how to use Permite 5% Cream and how much you'll need. To be sure you're using the drug appropriately, read the directions that came with it. Before using it, make sure your skin is clean, dry, and cold. 8-14 hours after using this medication, you should thoroughly wash your entire body.
SKU: 125041
Old price: Rs 130
Rs 117




In the case of scabies,
Scabies is a skin infection caused by mites, which infest and irritate your skin. Permite 5% Cream is an anti-parasite treatment. The mites and their eggs are paralysed and killed by it. In general, the cream should be used to the entire body, with the exception of the face and head, but always follow your doctor's instructions. After 8-12 hours, it should be properly rinsed off. Often, one treatment is sufficient to completely cure the disease, although a second application may be necessary a week later. This will eliminate the itching, swelling, and redness that mites produce. Dead mites, on the other hand, may continue to itch for some time.
