Manufacturer: GUBB
Offers salon-quality 'nail filing,' which you may use at home to shape your nails salon-style. And it evens out the nails: it aids you in achieving tidy and attractive nails to flaunt. Stainless steel: Because it is made of stainless steel, it is long-lasting and durable.
SKU: 124354
Old price: Rs 105
Rs 94
i h

It provides salon-quality ‘nail filing,' which you can use at home to shape your nails salon-style.
Shapes and evens out the nails: Assists you in achieving tidy and attractive nails.
Stainless steel is a metal that is corrosion resistant. It's made of stainless steel, which means it'll endure a long time.

Its compact size makes it convenient to carry in your handbag for travel and storage.

nail filer, nail filer, nail filer, nail filer, nail filer, nail filer, nail

Stainless steel is a safe material to work with.

Stainless steel aids in the safe shape of nails.

After nail trimming, it smoothes off the rough edges.
